Endorphin.es BLCK_Autopilot

Рейтинг: 5/5
Производитель: Endorphin.es
Доступность:на заказ
13343 Р
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The Autopilot features two identical tuners for precisely calibrating oscillators to note A.

The procedure:
  • Connect the Drop Out socket of the tuner to the 1v / octave input of the VCO.
  • Patch the VCO’s waveform output to the Tune In connector of the tuner.
  • Connect a sequencer or keyboard to the tuner’s Key In socket.
  • Press the tuner’s button and wait a few seconds.
  • Done

With a long press on both tuner buttons, the reference pitch can be shifted from 440 Hz to 432 Hz.
Connectors per tuner:

1v octave input (Key In)
1v octave output (Drop Out)
Reference audio input (Tune In)

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